Nourishing the Bond Between Humans and Horses Since 1986
Mrs. Pastures Cookies for Horses was the brainchild of Walnut Creek, California horsewoman Patricia Burge, who was determined to make a great-tasting, wholesome treat for her daughter Maggie’s childhood horse. After many test batches were made in Mrs. Burge’s home kitchen, she landed on the original horse cookie as we know it. From there, she graduated to manufacturing from the kitchen of an indoor riding arena viewing area and — as word got out and demand continued to grow — production eventually moved to a larger facility.
Over the years, the company has remained dedicated to providing exceptional customer service and cookies that are consistent in taste, quality and presentation, which has undeniably helped to garner a loyal fan following. Many of us undoubtedly have fond memories of feeding Mrs. Pastures to our own childhood horses.
Alltech® was pleased to welcome Mrs. Pastures into its family of companies in the fall of 2021. We are confident that we can not only continue to build upon Mrs. Burge’s lasting business legacy, but also help to expand production capabilities and continue to bring new cookie variations to life, ensuring more of these great-tasting treats reach an even wider number of our equine friends.